
Forays into GarageBand

Last weekend decided to see if I could get some decent simple drum sounds out of my Mac. Cubase requires an external midi device but GarageBand has this pop-up keyboard that maps to the actual computer keyboard. Setting = Rock Drums or something. Had this idea floating around for sometime, and I have not quite been able to communicate the actual feel of the idea. This was the big opportunity… and here is the first mix:


This one is in the spirit of the great masters of afropop.


Eren, 2008/03/21 17:12

Nice work. I like the layered guitar. Reminds me of my days in Cameroon. In garage band, did you have to build the drums yourself. Or is there an “afro-pop” starter?

michael, 2008/03/29 18:22

I built them up using the midi drums. I don't think I nailed the rhythm exactly but it works. Thanks for commenting.

Nathaniel Landau, 2008/03/31 14:56

ah. this brings me back to the days in Greenpoint. nice. nice.

Andrew Landis, 2009/01/14 03:13

this is sweet! i love the guitar parts

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