
Song For Andreas

Last night I was fiddling with my guitar and out came this riff that made me think of my good friend Andreas. Coincidentally I needed an excuse to try to make some recordings with GarageBand. This is my first foray into GarageBand.


Also in terms of alternate humbucker wiring, the left channel is “outer coils in series” (Twang), while the right channel is “series neck (standard wiring), reverse phase, in series with the bridge pickup wired in parallel” (Super Phase).


Otto, 2007/03/06 01:59

Hey, that’s some nice stuff. I didn’t even know you had a bass, much less that you knew how to play one..

Your mom linked me to the site. I was thinking of you recently. I had found a site by a guy in Brooklyn who’s tryin to make a living making music. Tough way to make a living, but he’s got some talent, both as a player and a songwriter. The stuff is a little more commercial than I like, but it’s clever, well-crafted , and melodic. Have a listen...http://www.jonathancoulton.com/songdetails/Code%20Monkey well, you have my email.. drop me a line sometime.... Otto.

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